B2B Marketing Research uncovers key insights to assist with strategy and campaign execution. We offer the following targeted quantitative and qualitative industrial market research services:

Customer Experience
Industrial Ideas studies the levels and trends in customer perceptions, experience, intentions and behaviours. The results of these studies are also used to track long-term changes in customer awareness, attitudes, and behaviours.

Market Dynamics
A detailed examination of the competitive landscape and specific market segment dynamics. Tailored to your business requirements and purpose built to better understand the markets you serve.

Comparative Research
A quantitative research method used to compare product features, key service offers, core capabilities, with a view to discover hidden customer insights, possible improvements, or even innovations.
With our Research Guide you’ll have access to the latest industrial marketing research methods and the key factors to consider as you embark on your research journey.
Learn how to utilise practical and useable research insights to develop effective marketing strategies.

Concept Testing
The process of using quantitative methods and qualitative methods to evaluate customer / market response to a new product, service offering, core capability, possible location – idea – prior to investment in development and introduction to the market.

Brand Equity
Our research provides a series of key measurements for assessing the health of brands. Our Brand Equity research service offers a complete tool kit for understanding the overall health of brands, as well as an assessment of the image and profile of your brands.

Positioning Study
A research technique to create an image or identity in the minds of your target market for your product, brand, or business. It is the ‘relative competitive comparison’ your product occupies in a given market as perceived by the target market.

Learn how a tailored market research program helped this leading trading company pursue new product development, diversify their business and enter new markets in Australia. Our marketing research work is on show, helping Toyota Tsusho finalise their business case on time and within budget; leveraging real market insights.
We delivered a qualitative research study using “focus groups” and in depth “one on one interviews”. This marketing research approach allowed us to dig deeper and guide the discussion to provide Toyota Tsusho with valuable deliverables. Enable your target audience to convey their thoughts openly and you will reap the benefits of unfiltered opinion and insight.
Five Ways to win with B2B Marketing Research
1. Start with WHY?
If you really want to know ‘why’, then ask your employees and customers and you will learn. The power of B2B Marketing Research involves asking open-ended questions to probe and uncover key insights. This can be easily achieved formally or informally. A transparent conversation to uncover the real truths of your brand, products and services will make the difference. We recently ran a focus group for one of our clients and the feedback and insights drawn were so powerful. Powerful enough to receive approval to launch a new product and invest heavily in a new market. Allow customer feedback to dictate your marketing.
2. Listen and Engage
Ask questions and listen to understand. Don’t be defensive just listen. Become valuable to your customers by conducting B2B Marketing Research to better understand their experience. Conduct follow-up interviews to explore their needs and sources of satisfaction and frustration, and the compromises they make in using your products and services. Avoid using an existing customer panel or user group, whose members might say what they think you want to hear. Consider conducting the interviews through a neutral third party, because customers are more likely to provide honest feedback to an intermediary.
3. Every touch point creates an opportunity
From the receptionist to the machine operator. Every touch point made with your customer must be considered as an opportunity to receive feedback to improve your brand. Enable your customers to convey their thoughts in the moment. Make it extremely easy to make contact and remind customers they can do so.
4. Follow through
Customers will stop providing feedback if they feel ignored or lied to. Ensuring you take some action and communicate this back to them quickly. Knowing they’ve had an impact on your brand, product or service makes them more invested. You build a relationship by improving your business.
5. Hit hard – Execute
Don’t allow mediocrity get in the way. It’s easy to accept failure. Discontinue a failed product. And cut a service offer. It’s much harder to improve, change and innovate. A bit like exercise, you don’t want to do it. You know it will hurt. But once it’s done, you feel amazing. You feel alive!
Customer feedback can be scary and upsetting. It can also be rewarding. When done right, you’ll get many opinions and ideas, and they will often conflict with each other. Resist the urge to make changes instantly and give every single customer what they want.
Step back, filter the information, examine and prioritise. You must listen to the market, listen to the voice of your customer. That’s the fundamental essence of B2B marketing research.
The Final Word
At the end of the day, it’s your customers who decide how successful you will become. How profitable you are and how recognised your brand is. It’s not what ‘you’ say about your business, it’s what ‘they’ say. This will make the difference between being market driven or customer led; by better understanding different elements of value to identify what matters most to your customers and how your company can stand out from the competitive pack.
We listen to understand. And then base our marketing work to deliver real results and return on your investment. We employ the following systems:

Project Work
For industrial companies that have a specific project that demands a creative brief and execution. Includes: web site development, lead generation campaigns, content work, social media schedule and execution, etc.

Retainer Options
Allow for a given amount of hours per month to be spent on your business, brand, products, services and customers. The monthly budget is decided by you and stays fixed to ensure you stay within your marketing budget.

Our targeted workshops will help develop and deliver real outcomes for your business. We work on the key priorities with your leadership team to create the environment for the delivery of great ideas and real outcomes.